Tuesday, August 28, 2007
When Paranoia Happens to Good People
Anyway, I've been paranoid that Mr. Zips is mad at me. I've been paranoid that Napolean is about to fire me. I've been paranoid that my complete and utter slackage has been noticed at work. I've been paranoid that I really don't want to be a writer.
So, I haven't been the easiest person in the world to deal with of late. I study asana, but it probably won't amount to much unless I put the yoga sutras to work in my life. Eh?
That said, I do have a couple of things to be proud of/ thankful for.
I finished up my submission for writing group so early that I've sent it to myself to review before I send it out to everyone. And I didn't even have to fall back onto my "safety story."
I finished up an entire box of dental floss. This might not be a big thing for most people, but this is the first time I have EVER achieved this milestone. I'm taking my health seriously. Go me!
I have an interview and a book club meeting tomorrow. New job opportunities and new friend opportunities all in one night!
And, finally, a mixed emotional tale:
Mr. Zips is massively stressed out about the upcoming Best Friend's Wedding. He left tonight so that he could get home and prepare -- do laundry, clean room, pack, etc. etc. And while it saddens me that he won't be here to snuggle with me tonight and that he's so stressed about this brue ha ha he's literally losing sleep over it, there is a part of me that is vindicated. Maybe now he understands why I freak out every time I have a long ass business trip. Maybe now he gets it when I stress about cleaning up the apartment or using up food I've got in the crisper or stopping at the grocery store now instead of when I get back... I don't want to be vindictive, but there is a certain amount of pleasure in the "I told you so" reality.
But alas, it's nearly midnight. Time to go to bed and hopefully dream dreams that are not rife with paranoia. A girl can hope.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Romy and Michelle ...
Still, I can't help but think about it as I sit here, in my parents' kitchen, reading an email about my 15th High School Reunion. There's something disturbing about it as I prepare to pack up and head back to Boston bright and early tomorrow. Packing tonight because there's absolutely nothing else for me to do in town tonight, a Saturday night, because I don't know a single young soul in this state any longer.
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Oh, Mr. Tierney. A history of mental illness. A naked blonde walks into a bar, with a poodle under one arm and a 12-foot salami under the other arm....
Obviously, I'm not the only person in the world with agida about my high school past.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
How long jet lag?
It was rainy. It was cold. The people were obsessed with fashion. And drink. And the men were sexist. And that's putting it mildly.
I got one free night. I walked around trying to take pictures. It was rainy. Okay, it was a torrential downpour. But as we all know, Mr. Zips likes foggy photos. Here's a tribute:

Or maybe that's because of the massive amounts of wine I drank the following night.
Kalesy tried to party with the big boys. Kalesy failed miserably.
I didn't do anything too stupid, unless I was supposed to want the Scottish salesguy to whip his dick out and stick it on the table while we were all eating. But I don't think so....
I retired back to my room and called Mr. Zips, drunken and sad, bemoaning the fact that women are never just loved for their brains.
This feels slightly ironic coming from someone who was obsessing prior to departure about whether or not she'd be able to work out whilst travelling abroad. But at least I recognize the irony.
Now I'm back Stateside and have been since Saturday. So why do I feel like there's still 20 pounds of cotton shoved into my head? Eight p.m. hits and I am "So very ti ti" as the Zips Family would say. Not sure when I can stop blaming jet lag and just cough it up to the fact that I've been going nonstop for several weeks with no end in sight.
Of course, the one amazing thing is that Karl Rove resigned while I was abroad. You haven't lived 'till you've seen Kalesy doing the HappyHappyJoyJoy dance in a hotel room in Dublin, alone, with only Sky News to keep her company.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
What Day is Today?
It's 9:20 GMT which means it's 4:20 EST which means I've been awake going on 32 hours. I lie - I took an hourlong nap. Still...
Somehow I managed to remain remotely human, somewhat intelligent, and mostly cheery during my inter-human-interactions today. No idea how.
I did manage to smack my hand into a railing while climbing stairs (my balance isn't even that good when I'm rested, you should see me now. Vrksasana? Not on your life.) But otherwise I don't have too many injuries to show for the ordeal.
Still, as I sit in my room, not really listening to SkyNews, I realize that I'm just not ready to go to sleep. My body thinks it's dinner time. (Note - I just ate a ginormous plate of pasta - YUM! Whole thing! YUM!) So I'm contemplating breaking down and indulging in a remnant of some mind-altering substances prescribed to help me sleep during my oral surgery nightmares. I'm not proud that I'm thinking of it, but if I don't get some sleep I might actually lose my mind. Besides, if I'm moderately screwed up tomorrow (read chemical hangover) I can blame EXTREME JETLAG! Sorry, I was channeling my inner hardcore rocker...
Today begins one of the more stressful weeks of my life. Wish me luck.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
When Good Hosts Get Real
On tonight's show, I actually think he lost his cool. And I applaud him. He did a bit on G. W.'s use of "In Other Words." It was fairly Bushism standard. But Jon ended with this rant: "When you say "in other words" it's because you think we don't understand. We understand. We just don't "BLEEPING" get it!"
I truly and honestly try not to out and out hate people. It's bad karma, among a dozen other things. But as I read more and more about people dying needlessly in this war he lied us into and all of the domestic Cluster Effs that are happening, I'm having more and more trouble staying on my happy side of the fence.
I just don't bleeping get it.
Back to the Grind
Suffice to say, his newest kick is to make sure that every single thing I write for this company doesn't use a "z" (read "zed") so as to not offend our European and Australia/New Zealand colleagues. Optimize? Forget it. Analyze? No way. Standardize? Not on your life.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Loser's Club Vacations in Maine, Pt. 2
Mr. Zips and I got up early as usual on Day 1 of vacation. Off we scoot to Jordan Lake in Acadia National Park for a "moderate" hike around the lake. 3.5 miles - a couple of hours - no big deal, eh?
And to start, it was a perfect hike. Cool and foggy, which meant Mr. Zips was in photog heaven. (In addition to cat paws, animal tongues, and mushrooms, Mr. Zips is a sucker for pictures of mist.)
Then we decided to take the "South Bubble Mountain Summit Trail."
Here's what South Bubble Mountain looks like in the early morning mist.
The hike up was challenging but none too scary. A glacier deposited thousands of rocks which provided a natural staircase for the mile-long vertical climb. And we were rewarded with quite the view.
What they don't tell you in the guidebooks is that the other side of the South Bubble Mountain Summit Trail is down a sheer cliff face. Straight down. Overlooking 600 feet of FALLING. See the rocky mountaintop hiding behind the trees in the rightside of the picture below? Yea, that's where we almost died.
I started panicking even before we began our descent. A short way down and we passed a rugged looking family backtracking because the mom had gotten too scared to make it any further. "Coming up was bad enough," they told us, "I'd hate to have to go down this one."
So, we in fact turned around and shamefacedly made our way down the same way we came up the mountain. It wasn't as adventurous, but then again, we're not dead now.
All in all, Mr. Zips took 384 photos of our amazing time in Maine. You can see more of them by going to his amazing Flickr site.
Does my heart good to look through them as I prepare for another 10 plus hour day in the office. Maybe we should have stayed on that trail....
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Loser's Club Vacations in Maine, Pt. 1
Except for the fairly losers' clubish stuff that happened....
I have to hold off on telling the first tale as it will be greatly enhanced by the photographs Mr. Zips took. Suffice to say it involves rocks, heights, and a panic attack.
Just in time for rush hour traffic.