Announced during Saturday's show, Wait! Wait! Don't Tell Me (the NPR newsquiz show, coming to you live from the Chase Auditorium in beautiful downtown Chicago. And here's your host, Peter Segel!), has been nominated. Now, not only am I a faithful NPR listener/supporter but I am a Wait! Wait! addict. So, no-brainer, right?

Except, wait, what's this? Also nominated is RatherGood - a site full of the crazy imagination of one Joel Veitch. I stumbled upon this mad brilliance many, many moons ago through the website/message board of B3TA. B3TA sends out a weekly newsletter and for more than five years it's been the highlight of my working week. As it's mostly British/European humor, well, it's right up my AngloAlley.

Alas, I am conflicted. Perhaps I'll have to go down to the Gay Bar Gay Bar Gay Bar to figure it out....