Today is a vacation day. I will spend my Sunday on a plane to Hotlanta, so today counts as a "Day in Lieu." Truth be told, I'm going to spend it getting my oil changed, doing laundry and such.
Nonetheless, today is a vacation day. And vacation days should mean sleep. Especially since I went out last night to celebrate the publication of My First Brochure. Over a year in the making, it's a very sweet piece of work and I'm wicked proud. So, libations were downed, nachos were chowed, and, yes, even drunken dialing occured. (Sorry Mr. Zips!) A good time was had by all. And I was really looking forward to a long night's sleep.
Unfortunately no one gave Fuzzy Kitty the memo.

6:35 a.m. Kitty starts meowing for breakfast
6:40 a.m. Kitty jumps up on bed and starts "nuzzing" momma
6:42 a.m. Kitty tries to crawl under covers because momma isn't paying attention to her
6:45 a.m. Kitty starts biting momma's hair
6:47 a.m. Momma groans and gets up, lopes into kitchen and puts food in bowls. Fuzzy Kitty commences eating. Lamby Kitty is nowhere to be found.
6:50 a.m. Momma is back in bed, happily drifting back to sleep
6:51 a.m. Fuzzy Kitty decides she's done eating and it's time to play
6:52 a.m. Fuzzy Kitty goes flying.
I trust that Kitty was not hurt. After all, clothes were piled all over the floor in preparation for laundry duty. Besides, don't cats always land on their feet?
I also know that Kitty is not mad at me. I know this because she's sitting on my lap right now, purring happily, chasing my fingers over my keyboard.
It's a good thing she's co-dependant, because this behavior against Kitty is, unfortunately, chronic on my part. Can those engineeers at MIT figure out some alarm clock that's heard - and understood - by Kitties, so that we can stop this cycle of violence? Please?