Saturday, June 20, 2009

Serenity Now!

And, thus begins the allnighter.

Meeting the peeps - dorks that we are - down in Boston for a double-feature, midnight movie event: Can't Stop the Serenity. It's the fourth annual event in the Serenity Now / Equality Now fundraiser, to support the important and necessary work of Equality Now.

It's a really important cause and it's going to be a great night. I loved Firefly and Serenity is one of the best Sci-Fi fantasy movies, oh, pretty much evah. And it's opening with Dr. Horrible!

The problem is, I got about two hours of sleep last night. I've been under tremendous amounts of stress. And if I watch both movies, I'll get home, oh, around 5 am.

And, of course, Capt Joe wants me to swing by the docks for some French Press afterward.

I am realizing - in no uncertain terms - that I am NOT in college anymore.

Pulling an allnighter without the "assistance" of GoodBuddy? Can it be done?

We shall see!