Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Losers Club Vindication - Sort Of

My best friend and I are presidents of our local chapters of Losers Club.

Losers Club was formed by those of us who have a tendency to embark on an initiative that, by all accounts seems reasonable or even intelligent. But something - somehow, some way, will go terribly wrong with that initiative and much ridiculous laughter ensues.

My most recent accomplishment as President of the New England Chapter of the Losers Club:

Before the July 4 holiday, I had a date to meet Mr. Zips and a friend of mine for dinner and margarita's in Harvard Square. I was excited since I hadn't seen this friend for a long time and she and I both love our margaritas. So in order to make the most of the night, I decided to not drive into work.

This made a lot of sense. I work only two "T" stops away from Harvard. Parking in Harvard is outrageously expensive. And, since I would likely have more than one margarita, this kept a drunken Kalesy off the road. Saved time, money, lives, and, of course, a teeny little piece of the environment. (We all know I suffer massive amounts of tree hugger guilt for driving into work every day).

So I packed all my things the night before, got up early, hopped on my bike and off I go! Except, oh yea, my tires were flat.

When I left the house, the tires were somewhat squishy. But by the time I got about 3 miles from the office, I was riding on the rims. Of course, with 3 miles still to go and it already being 7:30, I pretty much had to keep riding on the rims.

So, I saved $25 in parking. Cost me $250 for new rims, tires, and a tune up of my bike.

Losers Club Bikes to Work.

But, this a.m., I vindicated it all. Because I got back on the bike, so to speak.

It is a beautiful day, warm but not hot, and clear skies. It was really enjoyable to whizz through the early morning air, working my legs, working up a sweat, before I got to the office and settled in for a day of stress and anxiety. And I didn't add any fossil fuels to the air. Ha! all you Losers Club members.

Except, I forgot to pack underwear.
